OPC Op-Eds

OP-ED: People’s Counsel: PJM to blame for soaring energy prices | Commentary by People's Counsel David Lapp (9/16/2024, Baltimore Sun)Open
OP-ED: People’s counsel: Marylanders hit hard by gas and electric utilities’ excessive spending | Commentary by People's Counsel David S. Lapp (6/25/2024, Baltimore Sun)Open
OP-ED: People’s Counsel: NRG fear-mongering misconstrues utilities’ role | Commentary by People's Counsel David S. Lapp (3/15/2024, Baltimore Sun)Open
OP-ED: Time for Maryland utility customers to stop subsidizing fossil fuels | Commentary by People's Counsel David S. Lapp (2/15/2024, Maryland Matters)Open
OP-ED: BGE gas ‘investments and upgrades’ primarily benefit company, not customers | Commentary by People's Counsel David S. Lapp (11/6/2023, Baltimore Sun)Open
OP-ED: Poll reveals nothing about retail energy competition | Commentary by People's Counsel David S. Lapp (7/19/2023, Maryland Matters)Open
OP-ED: PSC is dialed in on law protecting Marylanders from phone scams | Commentary by Deputy People's Counsel William Fields (4/25/2023, Maryland Matters)Open
OP-ED: Debunking myths about electrification | Commentary by People's Counsel David S. Lapp (3/21/2023, Maryland Matters)Open
OP-ED: Unnecessary gas investments set to raise rates; Maryland regulator must intervene | Commentary by People's Counsel David S. Lapp (2/10/2023, Baltimore Sun)Open
OP-ED: Time to reevaluate massive gas utility infrastructure spending | Commentary by People's Counsel David S. Lapp (10/6/2022, Maryland Matters)Open
OP-ED: BGE energy delivery costs are up, despite spokesperson’s claims | Letter to the Editor Commentary by People's Counsel David S. Lapp (3/23/2022, Baltimore Sun)Open
OP-ED: People’s Counsel: Remember Texas! Md. Needs Robust Electric Distribution Planning | Commentary by People's Counsel David S. Lapp (2/10/2022, Maryland Matters)Open
OP-ED: New Maryland Legislation Advances Consumer Interest in Clean Energy (10/2021, Fortnightly Magazine)Open
OP-ED: Gas infrastructure investments: too costly for consumers and environment | Commentary by People's Counsel (9/27/2021, Baltimore Sun)Open
OP-ED: Daily Record Coverage of Utilities, Disappointing | Commentary by People's Counsel David S. Lapp (5/28/2021, Daily Record)Open