Mission, Vision, Values

All Maryland residents have safe, reliable, affordable, and environmentally sustainable utility services.

The Office of People’s Counsel works on behalf of Maryland’s residential customers to advocate for utility performance at the lowest reasonable cost, consistent with State environmental and economic policies, through effective advocacy, education, and creative problem-solving. Our lawyers and advocates represent you wherever decisions about utility services are made.

Integrity and Respect -- We maintain the highest ethical standards and endeavor to faithfully apply the facts and adhere to the law, while respecting our colleagues, decision makers, and adversaries.

Excellence and Diligence -- We seek to perform at the highest levels in our oral, written, and other advocacy, working faithfully and diligently to advance the interests of residential customers.

Education and Transparency -- We aim to inform decisionmakers, policymakers, and the public about utility matters and regulatory performance and to foster transparency within our office and in the community.

Effectiveness -- We strive to use our resources effectively and to provide our staff training and development opportunities to enhance their professional skills and further the office’s work.

Fulfilling workplace -- We value a diverse, inclusive, and fun work setting that appropriately challenges staff to learn and grow while recognizing the importance of family, friends, community, and non-work related life interests.