
 Title Description
Maryland’s Utility Rates and Charges -- OPC report (June 2024)OpenReports
OPC Comments on the Semi-Annual and Final EV Pilot Reports: Case No. 9478: In the Matter of the Petition of the EV Work Group for Implementation of a Statewide EV Portfolio (5/1/2024)OpenReports
OPC Comments to the Maryland Public Service Commission on EmPOWER 2021-2023 Cycle Results and Q3-Q4 2023 Semi-Annual Reports (Amended 4/16/2024)OpenReports
Maryland Gas Utility Spending: Updated Revenue Projections and Bill Impact Analysis (November 2023)OpenReports
Comments on EmPOWER Maryland 2024-2026 Program Plans (October 16, 2023)OpenReports
A Consumer's Guide to Pepco's Proposed Multi-Year Rate Plan (September 2023)OpenReports
A Consumer's Guide to BGE's Multi-Year Rate Plan (June 20, 2023)OpenReports
EmPOWER Maryland: 2022 Performance and Recommendations for Improvement (May 2023)OpenReports
Electrification in Maryland: Understanding "Headroom" (January 2023)OpenReports 2023
OHEP Crisis Season Declaration FormOpenForms
Customer Impacts of Baltimore Gas & Electric's Gas Infrastructure Replacement Program (July 12, 2023)Open 
OHEP Energy Assistance FY24 Spanish Fillable PDFOpenForms
DHCD Energy Efficiency Programs ApplicationOpenForms
Frequently Asked Questions: FirstEnergy Scandal (6/5/2023 updated)Open 
OHEP Energy Assistance FY24 English Fillable PDFOpenForms
Outreach Flyer FY23 SpanishOpenForms 2023
Climate Policy for Maryland's Gas Utilities: Financial Implications (November 2022)OpenReports 2023
Outreach Flyer FY23OpenForms 2023
Key Findings of Climate Policy for Maryland's Gas Utilities: Financial Implications (November 2022)OpenReports 2023
Executive Summary of Maryland Gas Utility Spending: Projections and Analysis (October 2022)OpenReports
Maryland Gas Utility Spending: Projections and Analysis (October 2022)OpenReports 2022
Outreach Flyer FY24OpenConsumer Learning
Maryland Low-Income Market Characterization Report -- 2022 Report Update (September 2022)OpenReports 2022
Tips for applying to energy assistanceOpenConsumer Learning
Affordable Connectivity Program InformationOpenConsumer Learning 2022
Baltimore City Water Assistance ProgramsOpenConsumer Learning 2022
Consumer Information on Retail SuppliersOpenConsumer Learning 2022
Consumer Rights PacketOpenConsumer Learning 2022
Consumer Rights Packet SpanishOpenConsumer Learning 2022
How to Make a Complaint Against a Retail SupplierOpenConsumer Learning 2022
How to Make a Complaint to the Public Service CommissionOpenConsumer Learning 2022
Lifeline ServicesOpenConsumer Learning 2022
LIHWAP Poster EnglishOpenConsumer Learning 2022
LIHWAP Poster SpanishOpenConsumer Learning 2022
Poster on How to Get Out of an Illegal Retail Energy ContractOpenConsumer Learning 2022
PSC Hearing Guidelines and TipsOpenConsumer Learning 2022
Tips on How to Negotiate With Your UtilityOpenConsumer Learning 2022
Verizon Copper to Fiber TransitionOpenConsumer Learning 2022
What Must Be in a Retail Supplier ContractOpenConsumer Learning 2022
Where Do I Make a ComplaintOpenConsumer Learning 2022
AARP testOpen 
Physician Certification FormOpenForms 2022
Medical Exemption Form WaterOpenForms 2022
PSC Complaint FormOpenForms 2022
Water Application HomeownerOpenForms 2022
Water Application TenantOpenForms 2022
Water Assistance Application SpanishOpenForms 2022
Water Assistance Application EnglishOpenForms 2022
BGE TerritoryOpenCommunity Resource Guides 2022
Columbia Gas TerritoryOpenCommunity Resource Guides 2022
Delmarva Power TerritoryOpenCommunity Resource Guides 2022
Easton Utilities TerritoryOpenCommunity Resource Guides 2022
Pepco TerritoryOpenCommunity Resource Guides 2022
Potomac Edison TerritoryOpenCommunity Resource Guides 2022
SMECO TerritoryOpenCommunity Resource Guides 2022
Washington Gas TerritoryOpenCommunity Resource Guides 2022
Resource Guide Spanish TranslationOpenCommunity Resource Guides 2022
OPC Report on Retail Energy: Maryland’s Residential Electric and Gas Supply Markets: Where Do We Go from Here? (November 2018)OpenReports
Maryland Low-Income Market Characterization Report (APPRISE 2018)OpenReports 2022
Consumer Information on retail SuppliersOpenSupplier 2022
How to make a complaint against a retail suppliersOpenSupplier 2022
How to get out of an illegal retail energy contractOpenSupplier 2022
Commission Order Granting OPC's Motion to Strike Electrification Plan (8/10/2023OpenOther Work
What must be in a retail supplier contractOpenSupplier 2022
Where do I file a Complaint?OpenConsumer Publications 2022