How to File a Complaint

Complaints against utility companies are made to the Public Service Commission (PSC), Consumer Affairs Division (PSC/CAD). The PSC regulates utilities, and CAD handles consumer complaints about utilities. You must contact the utility first to try to resolve your problem before PSC/CAD will take your complaint.

Examples as to why you may choose to file a complaint

You believe your bill amount is incorrect and the utility company will not investigate or claims it is the correct amount.

You have a dispute about a utility supplier amount on your bills. You did not sign a contract with the supplier, or believe that the supplier was deceptive in its marketing.

You believe there is something wrong with your meter.

You believe the utility company has violated a consumer protection.

To file a complaint, you have four options


Download a PSC/CAD complaint form and mail it with any supporting documents.

Maryland Public Service Commission
Consumer Affairs Division
6 St. Paul Street, 15th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202



If you do not have a computer or access to one, call PSC/CAD at 410- 767-8000 or 1-800-492-0474 and ask them to mail you a complaint form. Inform the PSC/CAD representative if you have a shut-off notice or are off-service and ask them to take a complaint by phone. A form will be mailed to you to fill out and return.


You can fax a written complaint with any supporting documents to 410-333-6844.

Recommendations when filing a complaint

Before you file a complaint, make sure you have spoken with your utility.

Be clear about your complaint and why you are making the complaint. You are telling them why you disagree with the utility’s decision.

List out what actions you have already taken to try and resolve the issue with the utility. Be specific and include any details about documents, dates, and people.

Have a well-documented response from the utility about your complaint. Who you spoke with, on what date, and what was said. Details matter.

While CAD investigates your complaint, a utility cannot terminate service for a bill amount in dispute. However, you are still responsible for the undisputed portion of bill. You are entitled to a written decision about the complaint. You also have the right to appeal the decision by PSC/CAD.

If at the end of the complaint process, you receive an unfavorable decision, you have 30 days to file in Circuit Court against the decision.

If you are having difficulty filling out the form, call the OPC at 410-767- 8150 or email OPC at