Sign Up For Short Virtual Information Sessions


Sign up for one or all of our free webinars

Each live webinar is between 15-30 minutes long and is hosted by our director of consumer assistance and an expert on the presented topic. To view previous sessions, visit our YouTube channel

What's that charge on my utility bill?
Have questions about how to read your gas and/or electric bill? We will walk through utility bills line-by-line in these 30-minute information sessions, answering your questions along the way.

January 21 at 12 noon. Watch the recorded BGE session here.

Delmarva Power and Pepco
January 28 at 12 noon. Watch the recorded Delmarva Power and Pepco session here.

Potomac Edison and Columbia Gas
February 4 at 12 noon. Sign up here for Potomac Edison and Columbia Gas session.

SMECO and Washington Gas
March 11 at 12 noon. Sign up here for the SMECO and Washington Gas session.