To find documents filed from one entity or company. Go to the PSC Home Page, in the left column “click” on Agendas and Calendars. Then click on Administrative Hearing Schedule & Official Filings.
When the window opens, look for box that says Company Name (author green arrow). Type in the name of the company, or other group you are looking for, exampletype Office of People’s Counsel, then click Get Filing.
This search will provide the recent filing by the entity named. Just look down the list to find the filing of interest.
While you are on the Agendas and Calendars window you can also review agendas for Administrative Hearings. PSC holds these meetings every Wednesday for various utility issues. These meetings either resolve the matter or serve to determine how a matter/filing is to be assigned (full hearings, administrative law judge, additional review by PSC Commission staff, or closure).