Weather Restrictions

Service shut-offs are prohibited on any day with a forecast at 6AM of 32 degrees or below, or 95 degrees or above, in your area, during the next 72-hour period.

The weather restriction is short-term. For gas service, this limit applies in hot weather only if gas is used for cooling, and you have notified the gas company of this use.

The utility cannot terminate service for:

  • A gas OR electric bill of $200 or less

  • A combined gas AND electric bill of $300 or less

Winter Protections are in place November 1-March 31. There is no such thing as a winter moratorium on shut-offs.

If the utility wants to disconnect a customer during extreme winter weather. The utility must file an affidavit with the Public Service Commission. The filing must:

  • Be at least 24 hours before shut-off

  • Certify that shut-off will not pose a threat to life or health of occupants

  • State whether a customer claims an occupant is an older adult, has a disability, is seriously ill or dependent upon life support equipment

The utility must attempt personal contact during extreme weather on two separate days and provide information on energy programs either by telephone or by visiting the account holder.