Your Property

Vegetation Management

The electric utility company is responsible for:

Routine maintenance and trimming of trees to ensure service quality and reliability.

Removing fallen trees from power lines after an “act of nature”/ storms.

The property owner is responsible for:

Cleanup of fallen tree debris due to an “act of nature”/ storms.


The Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC), through RM43, established the standards of vegetation management for MD electric companies under the PSC jurisdiction. Read more in COMAR


Meter Access

Gas and electric companies in MD are granted permission to enter a customer's property to access meters and equipment to ensure safe and reliable utility service. You must allow a utility company access to its equipment for maintenance, readings, and testing purposes or you may be subject to termination/denial of service.

If you are unsure if the person is an actual utility company employee, please call your utility company to verify the representative’s ID to avoid a potential scammer.