Gas Utility Spending Report


Maryland Gas Utility Spending: Projections and Analysis

OPC’s report, prepared by the consulting firm DHInfrastructure, provides critical information on current and future spending to maintain and expand the gas delivery system—the pipes, concrete, computers, and other infrastructure that make up the local distribution system. It also provides important information about future gas bills in the absence of reversals in current practices. The data relied on is publicly available information from utility reports and regulatory filings. While actual utility rates depend on many decisions yet to be made, the report provides numerous data and general projections that reflect business continuing as usual, without significant deviations in State policy, customer behavior, or utility practices.

Topics covered in the report include, among others:

Gas utility capital spending projections

Current spending data

Customer utility bill projections

To download the full report, click here.

To download the Executive Summary, click here.

To download a summary of key findings, click here.

To download OPC’s Press Release, click here.

To learn more about the STRIDE gas replacement infrastructure program, including its connection to gas pipe safety, click here

For information about how the price of gas may affect your gas bill this winter, click here.

To read David S. Lapp's op-ed in Maryland Matters, click here.

To read OPC's report on "Climate Policy for Maryland's Gas Utilities: Financial Implications," click here.